Thursday 17 September 2009

In the garden – in September

Toes sensibly buried in shiny boots…..


we clomped out into the Thursday afternoon sun, ready and willing to do our bit in the now well-established school garden.

September in the garden means a lot of tidying up.  It means pulling up the tangled plants that have died and harvesting the fruits of others.

in the garden in september9

It means collecting certain seeds for planting next year and saving others for the birds.

seattle misc

It means squatting down…..

in the garden in september1

and getting our hands mucky as we dig over the compacted soil to loosen it…..

in the garden in september2

and taking away the larger stones – by the heavy bucket-load.

in the garden in september4

It means raking the remaining soil to a fine, friable tilth in preparation for the next batch of seeds.

in the garden in september

It means taking the time to enjoy a bit of colour…..

in the garden in september3

as well as getting to know one or two…..

in the garden in september6

or three or four…..

in the garden in september7

of the more interesting residents!


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